José Silva

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José Silva. Source: Facebook/Onda Kriolu 

José António Barbosa Silva  

Praia, Santiago, 1950 – USA, 2019 

Singer, songwriter 

Living in the USA since 1975, where he owned a construction company, José Silva released the album Subi montanha, with production and arrangements by Ramiro Mendes, who plays several instruments, as well as Zunga Pinheiro. 

In 1985, as one of the representatives of the Cape Verdean community in the USA, he participated in the Todo o Mundo Canta contest, performing the song “Oi, Cabo Verde”, in partnership with his brother Santos (Alberto Santos Silva). He came in third place in the competition that had Sãozinha as the winner. 

Although he does not have a large discography – he only released a second album in 2015 – José Silva will be remembered for his songs that remain in the memory of many, such as “Subi Montanha” and “Ta bai pa nha terra”.  

José Silva, accompanied by Zé Timas, Yah-Yass and his brother, Santos. Source: Youtube  


  • Sodade Cabo Verde, LP, Serenata Records, EUA, 1986 (há outra edição com o título Subi montanha).
  • Sodadi, CD, edição do autor, EUA, 2015.

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