Johnny Perry’s Portuguese Criolo Trio

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Group (1920s-1930s) 

Johnny Perry’s Portuguese Criolo Trio was the first Cape Verdean group to record an album.  

On January 29, 1929, he recorded a waltz and a polka, on a gramophone record released by Columbia, in New York. The group later made other recordings, under different names: Johhny Perry’s Instrumental Trio in 1931, and Johnny Perry’s Capeverdean Serenaders, in 1932. In the repertoire, there are several mornas, as well as waltzes and polkas.  

The polka on the first album is called “São Vicente”, which appears on the Portuguese String Music compilation, organized by Richard K. Spottswood, a specialist in discography of ethnic music produced in the United States and author of the work that lists all the recordings of the three groups that Johhny Perry led, Ethnic music on records: A discography of ethnic recordings produced in the United States, 1893 to 1942 (1990).  

The group’s compositions appear signed by Johnny Perry himself or by Manoel Roderick and also by both in partnership.  

At the time of those pioneer recordings for Cape Verdeans, two other groups recorded at at Columbia studios: the Abrew’s Portuguese Instrumental Trio and the Orchestra de Notias.  


Under the name Johnny Perry’s Portuguese Criolo Trio: 

  • San Vicente-polka / Five d’outubro, 78 rpm, Columbia, 1929. 

Under the name Johnny Perry’s Instrumental Trio: 

  • Flor de amor / Horas perdidas, 78 rpm, Columbia, 1932. 
  • Valsa Bo Boy-Boboy / Sufrimento, 78 rpm, Columbia, 1932. 
  • Manazinha / Saudade, 78 rpm, Columbia, 1932. 
  • Romper da aurora / Saída da Brava,  78 rpm, Columbia, 1932. 

Under the name Johnny Perry’s Capeverdean Serenaders: 

  • Dio Peto / Destino d’amôr, 78 rpm, Columbia, 1933. 
  • Saudades do Mindêlo / Amôr é nha desgraça, 78 rpm, Columbia, 1933. 
  • Caboverdiana / Vendedor de cocos, 78 rpm, Columbia, 1933. 
  • Portuguese string music (coletânea), CD, HT CD 05, Interstate Music Ltd.Crawley [Inglaterra], 1989. 
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