Creole Sextet
Group (1960s) – [?]
Joli Gonsalves (voice), Al Lopes (guitar), J. Lombardi (violin), Young Boboi (saxophone), Chico Tass (?) and F. Ponte (maracas) were the members of this group formed in the USA and that appears in the collective album So Sabi: Cape Verdean Music from New England. In the recording that appears on the disc, the fact sheet lists the names of Vickie Vieira (voice), Flash Tavares (voice), Johnny Duarte (violin), David “Moe” Garcia (bass), John Correia (maracas) and Tony “Cut” Cardoso (keyboard), with participation of Joe Livramento (tenor saxophone).
Participation in the CD So Sabi: Cape Verdean Music from New England, 1999.