Gláucia Nogueira

Jornalist and anthropologist. Founder, curator, author of the texts and general coordinator of Cabo Verde & its Music – A Virtual Museum.

Joaquim Arena

Journalist and writer. Author of research and text on Reggae and Rock in Cabo Verde.

Alcides Lopes

Graduated in Music, anthropologist, PhD and researcher in ethnomusicology. Author of texts on kolá sanjon e b'ta saúde.

José Maria Almeida

Archivist. Ex-President of the National Historical Archive of Cabo Verde. Consultant for the Virtual Museum on historical topics.

Dinah Sales de Oliveira

Journalist. In charge of proofreading of texts, research and updating the website.

Francisco Fontes

Journalist. Donated his store of photos relating to Cabo-Verdean artists to the Virtual Museum.

Tó Gomes

Photographer. Donated his store of photos relating to Cabo-Verdean artists to the Virtual Museum.

Marzio Marzot

Photographer. Donated his store of photos relating to Cabo-Verdean artists to the Virtual Museum.

Francisco Sequeira

Manager of the discographic archive of Rádio de Cabo Verde in São Vicente. Consultant on biographies, discographies and many other topics.

Djoy Amado

Shared his reflections on Cabo-Verdean music with the Virtual Museum, initiating discussion of various topics in this field.

Angelo Barbosa

Musician, specialist in information systems, works in higher education. Supports the Virtual Museum in relation to various technical issues.

Margarida Brito

University Professor in Sao Vicente, Cabo Verde. Author of the section on musical instruments in Cabo Verde.

Ron Barboza

Photographer and researcher on the Cape Verdean community in the USA. Collaborator with the Virtual Museum, supplier of pictures and information.

Lívio Lopes

Lawyer, politician, cultural activist, researcher on the history and culture of the island of Fogo. Author of text on talaia baxu.

Carmo Daun e Lorena

Anthropologist. Author of text about the carnival on São Vicente.

Olav Aalberg

Journalist. Researcher on Cabo-Verdean music. Supports the Virtual Museum with his store of images and discography.

Graham Douglas

Translator (Associate member of ITI for Portuguese to English translations), editor and proofreader of texts in English for the Virtual Museum.

Patrick Regnier

Disc collector and researcher on discography. Supports the Virtual Museum in the areas of discographic research and digital resources.

Javé, José António Veduatto

Graphic designer, web designer. Takes care of the structure and layout of the Virtual Museum site.

Charles Akibodé

Historian, specialist in cultural heritage. Donated photos documenting Cabo-Verdean traditions to the Virtual Museum.

Sandra St Laurent

Collaborator at Bridgewater State University/Pedro Pires Institute for Cape Verdean Studies, translator of the virtual museum texts into English.

Special Thanks

For providing information, resolving doubts, supplying photos and other assistance:

Amílcar Spencer Lopes (questions relating to São Nicolau), Calu di Guida (São Domingos), Dany Mariano images and musicians in São Vicente), Djick Oliveira (Brava Island), Fausto do Rosário (Fogo Island), Jorge Borges (images), Manuel Brito Semedo (archives, literary topics), Marlene Nobre (photos), Mic Dax (album covers and other images), Neizinho Gomes (photos e videos), Raphael Nogueira (illustrations), Tibo Évora (Boa Vista), Vuca Pinheiro (topics relating to Brava Island, music, Morna).

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