Henry Santos

Henry J. Santos   USA, 1927- USA, 2020  Professor, researcher, instrumentalist (piano), compositor Henry J. Santos was a professor at Bridgewater State University in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, for over 30 years, and had an important role in the development of music courses in the university. He is emeritus professor at BSU. As Read more…

Norberto Tavares

Norberto dos Santos Tavares Assomada, Santiago, 1956 – New Bedford, EUA, 2010 Multiinstrumentista, cantor, compositor Norberto dos Santos Tavares was born in Assomada, Santiago Island in 1956 and died in New Bedford, USA in 2010. He was an instrumentalist, singer and composer. He is considered a reference to artists from Read more…

Cesária Évora

Cesária Joana Évora  Mindelo, São Vicente, 1941 – Mindelo, São Vicente, 2011  Singer  First Cape Verdean to become an international celebrity, Cesária Évora put Cape Verde in the map, in the turn of the 20th to the 21st century. In a time that the media phenomena depend mostly on the Read more…

Calu di Guida

Carlos Alberto Gonçalves Moreno  Musician (guitar), composer, music producer  Boa Vista, São Domingos, 1965  Calu di Guida, born in São Domingos, had early contact with music due to his familiarity with figures such as Codé di Dona, Ntóni Denti d’Oru, and Ano Nobo, the last two being compadres of his Read more…

Vuca Pinheiro

João José de Azevedo Pinheiro Nova Sintra, Ilha Brava, 1948 Instrumentist (guitar), composer Vuca Pinheiro begins his discography in 1985, with the album Força di Cretcheu, in which he presents mornas soloed on the guitar, favoring composers from his beloved island of Brava in his choice of repertoire: Eugénio Tavares, Read more…


Band, 1978 – Dec 2000; 2016  The band Bulimundo appears to the City of Praia’s public in 1980, as the first in a series of concerts organized at the Cine theater of the capital to celebrate the five years of independence of Cabo Verde. Until then, the band had been Read more…

Candida Rose

Candida Rose Baptista New Bedford, USA, 1960 Singer, songwriter, educator Candida Rose In addition to a long artistic career as a vocalist of various genres, including R&B, spiritual, and jazz, Candida Rose has also become known as a Cape Verdean musical artist and educator. She is the granddaughter of Cape Read more…

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