A deep dive into the universe of Cabo-Verdean music in all its complexity.

Cabo-Verdean musical practices, on the islands or in other places where the diaspora has settled.

Personalities, instruments, stories, memories, documents, musical styles, dances, books, recordings, melodies, lyrics, photos, videos…

Preserving memories is essential for telling the history.

A timeline on Cape Verdean history and culture from the 15th to the 21st century.


“Recent innovations and debates over popular music practices and tastes, in fact, reveal diverse, emerging, and sometimes new constructions of Cape Verdean identity across its broad range of diasporic locations.”

Timothy Sieber,

in the article “Popular music and cultural identity in the Cape Verdean post-colonial diaspora”, Etnográfica, Vol. IX (1), 2005.


Cabo Verde & its Music – A Virtual Museu  is visiting the Cape Verdean community in the New England region for a few weeks, with the aim of contacting people, promoting the project, conducting interviews…

This initiative is taking place thanks to an invitation from Pedro Pires Institute for Cape Verdean Studies/Bridgewater State University (BSU), which has supported the virtual museum in different ways since 2022.

Continue to follow this website for exciting updates coming soon! 

This project is no longer just virtual

An introduction to Cape Verdean musical genres for those who only speak English (in the Cape Verdean community or North Americans in general) is the proposal of this exhibition that can be seen at the Cape Verdean Museum in Pawtucket.

The result of a partnership between “Cabo Verde & Its Music – Virtual Museum” and Cabo Verde Museum, with the support of the Pedro Pires Institute for Cape Verdean Studies (Bridgewater State University).

It is the first time that “Cabo Verde & Its Music – Virtual Museum” transitions from the digital realm to a tangible, in-person experience.

Thank you to Bridgewater State University, who made this initiative possible! Thank you to the Cabo Verde Museum, for hosting this project!


A space for the visual memory of Cape Verdean music

This is a visual memory space for Cape Verdean music. Do you want to share your photos or documents?

Send us your proposal to


Ildo Lobo

Ildo Neves de Sousa Lobo Sal, 1953 – Praia, Santiago, 2004 Singer, songwriter Owner of a sonorous, open, and powerful voice, Ildo Lobo was already one of the most acclaimed…

Rappers sing Cabral

It’s often noted that Cabral’s legacy is at risk of fading among younger generations born in independent Cabo Verde. However, there are those committed in preserving his memory alive and…

50 years singing Cabral

Cabo Verde & Its Music – A Virtual Museum associates itself to the celebrations of the centennial of Amilcar Cabral by sharing compositions that talk about the political leader and…

Amilcar Cabral

Click here to listen to songs about Amilcar Cabral Amilcar Lopes Cabral Batafá, Portuguese Guinea, 1924 – Conakry, Guinea Conakry, 1973 Songwriter, personality The founder of PAIGC and leader of…