Djinho Barbosa

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Djinho Barbosa. Fonte:

Angelo Alberto Lopes Barbosa

Assomada, Santiago, 1964

Songwriter, Instrumentalist (guitar, bass, keyboard)

Djinho Barbosa was a member of Abel Djassi in the late 1970s, being part of the first formation of the group, which underwent several changes. Before that, still in Assomada, he formed Pó di Terra with his brother Adriano, Totó Tavares, and other young musicians.

He was a member of Finaçon from 1988 to 1991, and then, in the mid-1990s, he formed the short-lived Quarteto em Si, with Jorge Pimpa (drums), Nhelas Spencer (guitar), and Russo Bettencourt (bass – later replaced by Paulo Noel). This band focused on instrumental music and showcased the compositions of its members. In the discography of the groups to which he belonged or in news articles, his name frequently appears with incorrect spellings. When it is Ginho, Dinho, or Jinho, it is actually Djinho Barbosa.

In 2006, Djinho Barbosa released the CD Trás di son, featuring 35 artists/friends from different styles and generations, including singers and instrumentalists – from Paulino Vieira to Hernani Almeida, with contributions from Gamal Monteiro, Princesito, Kisó Oliveira, Kim Alves, and even those who don’t usually frequent the studios, such as Antero Veiga (accordion), Sana Pepers (harmonica), Ilídio Baleno (guitar), and Kaká Barbosa, who sings two tracks. The compositions are mostly written by Djinho Barbosa (both lyrics and music), three of which are instrumental (“Son d’alma”; “Topada na mazurka”; “Bandu di neon”) and, in his words, they summarize his musical experience. Djinho comes from a musical family – he is the brother of composers Kaká and Tey Barbosa, not to mention his connection to Nho Djonsinho Alves and his lineage of artists.

Aside from music, he works in the field of information and communication technologies. After studying in Brazil and the USA, he worked at the Operational Center for the Information Society (NOSI, an entity that laid the foundations for electronic governance in Cabo Verde in the 2000s) before becoming the pro-rector for this area at the University of Cabo Verde (Uni-CV), a position he held from its foundation in 2006 until 2012.

The blog, which he created in 2005, served for several years a platform for the dissemination and discussion about cultural and citizenship issues in Cabo Verde.

Since 2017, Djinho Barbosa has lived in the USA, where he works at Bridgewater State University as the director of the Pedro Pires Institute for Cape Verdean Studies. Together with other Cape Verdeans residing there and connected to the music scene – including Calu di Guida, Jacinto Fernandes, Maruka Tavares, and Djoy Amado, he is part of the Terreru group, which aims to create music in collaboration, based on each individual’s experience.


  • Trás di som, CD, edição do artista, Praia, 2006.
  • 1Son+Son, edição digital, 2025.


Amor Azul; Bai Palabra; Bandu di Neon; Bari Cabeça; Bu Encantu; Dexan Kai; DulSiSon pa Luanda; Fri (Free) Son (música sobre poema “Finaçon” de Kaká Barbosa); Inda ta Reza; Infinito pa Kaká Barbosa; Mindel Mind – Koladera Rasgadu (parceria com Kaká Barbosa); Manhan Más Manhan; Maria Badia; Michelle; Morning (parceria com Ricardo de Deus); Misãu Kunpride; Musica na Finata 44 (sobre poema “Konfison na finata” de Kaká Barbosa); Nha Funku; Nos ku Nos; Pó di Terra; Raiz; Son d´Alma; Setembru – Next Square; Son di Santiagu; Son Kompiladu; Topada na Mazurka; Tranzi; Um Batuku Xatiado Si (parceria com Princezito); Um Zibiu pa Abilio Duarte.


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